Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sticky Note #7

- The Joys of an Auntie -

August 10th will mark 10 years of me having the wonderful title of Auntie. I remember being excited about the arrival of a baby in our family. As the baby of my own family, I'd never really been around a newborn before. As a babysitter, I had been around babies and children, but never a newborn. I remember being scared and sure I was gonna do something that would damage this precious baby for the rest of his life.

But when Justin arrived, I quickly learned that newborns are the easiest to hold! Unless they are upset (typically due to hunger, wet/dirty diaper, gas, etc.) newborns are calm and sleep a lot! Justin and I spent many hours on the couch taking naps and quickly became friends, creating a bond that will exist for years to come.

After Justin came Allison. As much as I had enjoyed having a little nephew, I was excited to have a girl to dress in all the cute girly clothes (have you ever noticed how large the baby girl clothing section is compared to the baby boy? It is kind of pitiful, but I digress). Allison was my first niece and I won't lie, I think I just might be her favorite Auntie, but I think that is largely due to the fact that we are the only blondes in the family (though mine has taken on a lot more red in recent years....)

Several years after Allison joined our family, Katelyn made her entrance. I won't ever forget the year Katelyn was born because it was the year I graduated from high school. It was a big year for our family and the addition of a family member was a VERY joyous occasion.

Then, Megan joined the family and I was once again thrilled to have a baby girl to buy for, even though I had been convinced this was going to be a boy. I was disappointed that work kept me from meeting Miss Meg till two and a half days after she was born, but we eventually had time to bond and start our own unique Auntie-Niece relationship.

Now, the family is complete with our book-end boy, Jordan. This precious boy has stolen my
heart and he isn't even a month old yet! I had the honor of being there when he was born and then getting to spend the next two days with him (and the rest of his family). The day he came home from the hospital, his mother handed him to me and asked me to hold him while she took a nap. Jordan and I continued the tradition that Justin started 10 years before him, Auntie and Nephew, napping on the couch.

These 5 children have brought much joy and amusement to my life. I love that they all want the honor of getting to ride in my car. I love their little (and now big) arms around my neck in a hug. I love their view of the world. I love their expressions and statements. I love how a simple gift or treat can make their day brighter and happier.

I love being Justin, Allison, Katelyn, Megan and Jordan's Auntie!

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