Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wedding Joys

Recently I had the amazing joy of attending and participating in the wedding of one of my dearest friends.

The Bride and I met in 4th grade, shortly after my family moved to my current home state. We met through a mutual friend and she kept us connected. The Bride and I didn't actually become close friends till 8th grade when we worked for a summer ministry together and spent the first two weeks of ministry as roommates. We were both nervous and shy about trying something new, but we were able to lean on each other for strength and encouragement to get through those two weeks of training. Thankfully, those two weeks changed our friendship and started molding it into what it is today.

Over the years the Bride and I continued to grow closer as friends. In high school we began meeting at Panera for chat sessions. These visits continued after she moved away for college, some times this had to take place over the phone, but usually it was at Panera when she was home on break. I had the opportunity to visit her 3 times during her college years and enjoyed getting to see her new world and meet her dear college friends.

I remember the day I found out there was a boy in the picture. I couldn't help but be excited for this sister of the heart. She had worked through all of high school and college to remain emotionally pure, unattached and did not let herself get distracted. She was a role model to me, even as she told me I was a role model for her. Our friendship was a perfect picture of iron sharpening iron.

And then the day she called to tell me there was a ring on her finger, a date set and would I be in her wedding? I don't remember the last time I've so completely shared in someone's joy. I eagerly anticipated this August wedding date. The excitement of wedding dress shopping with her mom and sister-in-law and even more excitement when she found THE dress at the first shop. Trying on bridesmaid dresses and convincing her to go with the one "with POCKETS!" Running errands with her two days before the wedding and getting to see her new house. The happy memories that come with all those events are more than I can contain, but they are milestones that I will remember.

Everything about that weekend was beautiful, even down to the weather! A light rain Saturday morning cooled the hot temperature and lessened the humidity. The hurry to get ready, in less time than any of us thought would be possible. The nerves, the laughter, the joy, the tears. Before we knew it, they were man and wife and heading off on their honeymoon. I rejoice at their new beginning and look forward to keeping in touch with this special couple.

  • Bride: "Groomsman, meet bridesmaid" - Groomsman: "yeah, we just met. Like...just now....up the front of the church. We are great friends!" 
  • Groomsman: "Why didn't you do the cartwheel?!" 
  • Bride: "In SICKNESS and in health....we are definitely getting to practice that vow from the start..."Bride: "He makes me to lie down in green pastures...." 
  • Bride (to me): "What are you going to make me do?" 
  • The get-away car.....and then fixing the get-away car 
  • Groomsman: "I thought you stood me up!" 
  • roomsmen: "Why, hello lovely ladies in green" 
  • Bridesmaid: "This dress has POCKETS!! I totally forgot!" 
  • Bridesmaid: "Dude.....on the, the other one....yeah, you....unbutton your jacket like the rest of the guys, you are ruining the picture" 
  • Bridesmaid: "Wait, that's just a glorified clip-on tie? Why did I not know this before"
  • Bridesmaid: "Shoot! Why'd they have to pray?!" 
Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs MacLachlan!

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