Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sticky Note #1

When I began my first job in high school, I learned the value of Sticky Notes. As my life has changed over the years since that time, I've noticed their increased importance in my life. Going from a part time job to full time employment, moving out of my parent's home in one city to "out on my own" in another city the demands on my time have changed. Sticky Notes provide me a place to write out a corner of my brain. The act of writing helps my brain retain the knowledge longer.

At work, Sticky Notes are the first thing I reach for when I get a phone call. There isn't much space on the 3x3 piece of paper, but it is enough for a name, phone number and (typically) room for a few words that will later jog my brain as to the nature of the message. (Sometimes, I don't write enough and am left stuttering when trying to pass on the message to my boss, but not often)

At home, Sticky Notes serve as a place for grocery shopping lists, notes to my housemate and errands I needs to run or chores that need to be completed. As a Mary Kay consultant, I also use Sticky Notes to remember orders that I need to fill.

And how can I forget how Sticky Notes played a role in my love life? N, I'm sure this blog will give you plenty of material for your Sticky Note wall of "Why N and Jill would never work as a couple". We are on Sticky Note #7,850 now, right?!

Seriously though, I plan on using this blog similar to how I use my Sticky Notes. Short memories of my life, though I can't promise they'll always be short. Something I can look back and remember. Memories of how God has worked in my life, how He has proven Himself faithful to me. Memories of the funny things my nieces and nephews say and do. Memories of time spent with friends. Memories of my failings, because it is in my weakness that God is shown strong.

To New Beginnings!

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